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The Peter McKenzie-Brown Library

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Since inception, the PHS has gathered a small collection of books and articles related to Canadian Petroleum History. Then long-time board member and contributor Peter McKenzie-Brown donated his entire petroleum history library to the PHS, increasing the size of the collection enormously. In March 2004, we named our book collection The Peter McKenzie-Brown Library in his honor.

We hold these items to ensure their preservation for the long term. We do not normally loan these items out.

Media Title Author Publisher Published date Comments Donor
Booklet  1965-1985 Historical Statistics of the Canadian Gas Industry (with SI conversions) Canadian Gas Association  Canadian Gas Association  1986 December  105 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  19th Century Petroleum Technology in North America Emory L. Kemp & Michael W. Caplinger  Institute for the History of Technology Industrial Archaeology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia  2007 summer  Sponsored by Charles Fairbanks Oil Properties Ltd., Petrolia, Ontario, Canada,179 pages  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
Booklet  2009 Travel Guide Petrolia, Oil Springs, Wyoming & Reeces Corners     2009  40 pages  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
Booklet  A Backward Glance - A History of Canadian Superior Oil Ltd. Porter, J. W.  Canadian Superior Oil Ltd.  1987  62 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  A Patch of Green: Canada's Oilpatch Makes Peace with the Environment Sharpe, Sydney  Key Porter Books  2002  240 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 4th edition Baker, R.  Petroleum Extension Service - International Association of Drilling Contractors  1980  94 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  A Primer of Oilwell Drilling, 5th edition, revised Baker, R.  Petroleum Extension Service - International Association of Drilling Contractors  1996  184 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  A Purpose in Life: The Biography of George Cormack Trafford, Tyler  George Cormack  1999  42 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  A Record of Service - The History of Western Canada's Pioneer Gas and Electrical Utilities Stahl, L.  Canadian Utilities Limited  1988  333 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Document  A story from the Corridors of Time: Hell's Half Acre, Turner Valley 75th Anniversary Issue of Oilweek Kerr, Aubrey  Oilweek, Vol. 40, No. 12, Maclean Hunter  1989 May  pages 7-14   
Book  A Tradition of Service - the Story of Consumers Gas Consumers Gas Company Limited  Consumers Gas Company Limited  1993  239 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  A Walk on the Canol Road - Exploring the First Major Northern Pipeline Gage, S. R.  Mosaic Press  1990  152 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  After the Crisis: World Oil Market Projections 1991-2006 Reinsch, A. E.; Considine, J. I.  Canadian Energy Research Institute  1991  175 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Magazine  Alberta History Magazine: 1995: Vol.43 No.4, Autumn Historical Society of Alberta  Historical Society of Alberta  1995 Autumn     
Magazine  Alberta History Magazine: 1996: Vol.44 No.1-4 Historical Society of Alberta  Historical Society of Alberta  1996     
Magazine  Alberta Oil magazine commemorates Alberta's Centennial: Walk Through the Pages of our Special Energy Pull-out Zalewski, A. - editor  Calgary Media Group  2005  pages 49-68 of Volume 1, No.3  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  Alberta's First Natural Gas Discovery Gulless, Micky for PanCanadian Petroleum Limited  PanCanadian Petroleum Limited  1981 January  8 pages   
Book  Alberta's Oil Industry - The Report of a Royal Commission Appointed by the Government of the Province of Alberta Under the Public Inquiries Act to Inquire into Matters Connected with Petroleum and Petroleum Products McGillivray, A. A. - commissioner  Government of Alberta  1940  278 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Alberta's Petroleum Industry and the Conservation Board Breen, D. H.  University of Alberta Press and Energy Resources Conservation Board of Alberta  1993  800 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  AOSTRA: A 15 Year Portfolio of Achievement Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority  Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority  1990  176 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Newsletter  Archives: 1987: Volume I- Nos. 1 and 2 (Sept., Nov.) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1987 September and November  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1988: Volume II - Nos. 1-5 (Jan., Mar., May, Sept., Nov.) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1988  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1989: Volume III - No. 1 (Jan.) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1989 January  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1989: Volume IV - Nos. 2-4(5) (Mar., May, Oct., Nov.) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1989  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1990: Volume V- Nos. 1-2 (Jan., May) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1990  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1991: Vol.VI No.1 (Jan) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1991 January  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1992: Vol.VI No.1 (Feb.) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1992 February  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1994: Special Edition (Feb.) Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1994 February  Multiple copies of many issues   
Newsletter  Archives: 1997: Vol.VIII No.1 January Petroleum History Society  Petroleum History Society  1997 January  Multiple copies of many issues   
Arctic Institute of North America - Info. about Quarterly Journal Arctic Institute of North America  Arctic Institute of North America       
Pamphlet  Arctic Institute of North America - List of publications Arctic Institute of North America  Arctic Institute of North America       
Newsletter  Arctic Institute of North America - March 1995 newsletter Arctic Institute of North America  Arctic Institute of North America  1995 March     
Annual Report  Arctic Institute of North America Annual Report 1994 Arctic Institute of North America  Arctic Institute of North America  1994  16 pages   
  Arctic Oil - The Destruction of the North? Livingston, J.  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation  1981  160 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Athabasca Maclean, A.  Collins Publishers  1980  252 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Athabasca Oil Sands: Northern Resource Exploration 1875-1951 Ferguson, B. G.  Alberta Culture and Canadian Plains Research Centre  1985  283 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Document  Atlantic No. 3, 1948 Kerr, Aubrey and the PHS  Petroleum History Society  1998  Commemorative highlights (plasticized) 9 copies   
Booklet  Beaufort Explorations Hill, J.  Dome Petroleum Ltd.  1982 (estimated)  80 pages  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  Bedford Institute of Oceanography - 2002 in Region, 40th Anniversary Edition Bedford Institute of Oceanography  Government of Canada  2003  108 pages  Clint Tippett 
VHS tape  Beyond the Frontier   National Film Board  1991  22:35 minutes, colour  National Film Board 
Book  Big Wheels Across the Prairie: A History of Trucking in Alberta Prior to 1960 Rubak, P. M.  BWATP Publisher  2003  502 pages  Paul M. Rubak 
VHS tape  BIOS: The Baffin Island Oil Spill Project   National Film Board  1982  23:09 minutes, colour  National Film Board 
Book  Black Gold - the Philatelic History of Petroleum Kutz, K. J.  Gold Fever Publishing     
Book  Black Gold with Grit - The Alberta Oil Sands Fitzgerald, J. J.  Gray's Publishing Limited  1978  264 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Bob Blair's Pipeline Bregha, F.  James Lorimer and Company  1979  220 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Breaking Ice with Finesse: Oil and Gas Exploration in the Canadian Arctic Clark, K.; Hetherington, C.; O'Neil, C.; Zavitz, J.  Arctic Institute of North America, University of Calgary  1997  248 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Bringing It to Market - Proceedings of the Petroleum Industry's 16th Frontier Workshop, Fairmont, BC, April 29 - May 2, 1990 Canadian Petroleum Association  Canadian Petroleum Association  1990  281 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
  Budget Papers - notices of ways and means motions and supplementary information on the budget Department of Finance  Government of Canada  1980 October 28  111 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Buffalo (Alberta Nature and Culture Series) Foster, John; Harrison, Dick; McLaren, I.S. - editors  The University of Alberta Press  1992  244 pages  University of Alberta Press, August 5/92 
Directory  Calgary Heritage Network Directory: 1993-1994 Sanders, Harry for the Calgary Heritage Network  Calgary Heritage Network  1993 - 1994     
Directory  Calgary Heritage Network Directory: 1994-1995 Centennial Edition Sanders, Harry for the Calgary Heritage Network  Calgary Heritage Network  1994 - 1995     
VHS tape  Canada Strikes Oil - Leduc, Alberta 1947   National Film Board  1991  17:54 minutes, black and white  National Film Board 
Book  Canada's Energy Crisis - New Updated Edition Laxer, J.  James Lorimer and Company  1975  172 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Canada's Oil and the American Empire Shaffer, E.  Hurtig Publishers  1983  296 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Canada's Oil Industry (Canada At Work series) Davis, E. M.  McGraw-Hill Co. of Canada  1969    Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Canada's Oil Monopoly - The Story of the $12 Billion Rip-off of Canadian Consumers Lorimer, J. - editor  James Lorimer and Co.  1981  626 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Canada: A Portrait (54th edition, Canada Yearbook)   Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, Government of Canada  1992  197 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Canadian Energy - Supply and Demand 1985-2005, and Summary National Energy Board  National Energy Board  1986 October  352 pages, plus 24 pages in Summary  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Canadian Energy and the Independent Producer: April 1, 1989 IPAC - the Independent Petroleum Association of Canada  IPAC - the Independent Petroleum Association of Canada  1999 April 1  12 pages   
Booklet  Canadian Energy and the Independent Producer: May 19, 1990 IPAC - the Independent Petroleum Association of Canada  IPAC - the Independent Petroleum Association of Canada  1990 May 19  12 pages   
Booklet  Canadian Energy and the Independent Producer: November 1, 1985 IPAC - the Independent Petroleum Association of Canada  IPAC - the Independent Petroleum Association of Canada  1985 November 1  20 pages   
Book  Canadian Energy Supply and Demand 1983-2005 Technical Report National Energy Board  National Energy Board  1984 September  107 pages, 209 pages of appendices  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Canadian Energy Supply and Demand 1990-2010 National Energy Board  National Energy Board  1991 June  472 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Planner  Canadian Petroleum Daily Planner - Collector's Edition McKenzie-Brown, Peter - editor  Consolidated Communications  1994  Historical photos and captions, sponsored by PHS   
Booklet  Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame (biographies of honorees) Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame  Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame  2005  70 pages (estimated)  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame - Biographies   Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame  2005  70 pages (est.)  Clinton Tippett 
Book  Canadian Taxation of Oil and Gas Income, second edition Krukowski, J.V.  CCH Canadian Limited  1987  688 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Document  Centre for Petroleum Industry History - a proposal Ad hoc Committee for Petroleum Industry History  Ad hoc Committee for Petroleum Industry History  1984 December  7 pages, 2 copies   
Book  Chilkoot Trail: Heritage Route to the Klondike Neufeld, D.; Norris, F.  Lost Moose - the Yukon Publishers  1996  182 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Competition in the Canadian Petroleum Industry, Appendices C to M and Interpretations, Conclusions and Recommendations Restrictive Trade Practices Commission  Government of Canada  1986  498 pages, 222 pages of appendices, 80 pages of recommendaitons  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Connections - An Energy Strategy for the Future Economic Council of Canada  Economic Council of Canada  1985  207 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Continental Natural Gas Market - Canadian Export Capacity in the 90s Coad, L. A.; Maerz, D. H.  Canadian Energy Research Institute  1989 October  155 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Continental Reach - The Westcoast Energy Story Newman, P.C.  Douglas and McIntyre  2002  258 pages  Peter C. Newman 
Book  Contrary Infatuations Dymphny Dronyk  Frontenac House, Calgary  2007  Autographed soft cover. Section called "The Patch Poems, 2006" contains 10 oilpatch poems. Author has a company called Dynamic Data Complete Emergency Response Planning.  Micky Gulless 
Book  Controlling Interest: The Canadian Gas and Oil Stakes Crane, D.  McClelland and Stewart  1982  336 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Corridors of Time Kerr, S. A.  Kerr, S. A.  1988  331 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Corridors of Time II Kerr, S. A.  Kerr, S. A.  1991  271 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Corridors of Time III Kerr, S. A.  Kerr, S. A.  1991  271 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
CD  CSEG Great Explorations   Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists and the Petroleum History Society  2004 May  CD of Poster set created for convention (on PHS website too)  CSEG 
Book  Dealmakers - Canadian Petroleum Landmen and Their Association Finch, D.  Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen  1989  192 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Death Spiral Ballem, J. B.  Plains Publishing Inc.  1989  296 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Discovery Well - Mobil Oil Seaboard Pembina #1 Martenson, B.  Schlumberger  2000  Includes October 1954 reprint from Schlumberger magazine "Sonds Off"  Bill Martenson 
Pamphlet  Documenting the History of Canada's Petroleum Industry at Glenbow Glenbow Archives  Glenbow Museum  1997?  Pamphlet, 3 copies   
Book  Dome - The Rise and Fall of the House that Jack Built Lyon, J.  Macmillan of Canada  1983  227 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Dusters and Gushers - The Canadian Oil and Gas Industry Hilborn, J. D.  Pitt Publishing Company Limited  1968  278 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Dynamic Decade - The Evolution and Efforts of the Oil Industry in Alberta Hanson, E. J.  McClelland and Stewart Limited  1958  314 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Early California Oil: A Photographic History 1865-1940, Number 4 in the Montague History of Oil Series Franks, K. A.; Lambert, P. F.  Texas A&M University  1985  243 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Earning Our Stripes: Fifty Years in Canada (Chevron) Foran, Max  Chevron Canada Resources  1988  114 pages   
Booklet  Edmonton Beneath Our Feet Godfrey, J. D. - editor  Edmonton Geological Society  1993  150 pages  William Langenberg 
Book  Energy - The Power of Canada   Fitzhenry and Whiteside with Energy, Mines and Resources Canada  1988  101 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Energy and Canadians into the 21st Century - A Report on the Energy Options Process Kierans, T. F. et al  Energy Mines and Resources Canada  1988 August  127 pages plus appendix  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Energy and Regional Investment in Canada Douglas, G. W.; Battle, E. F.  Canadian Energy Research Institute  1983 March  114 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Energy Crisis - Policy Response Nemetz, P. N.  Institute for Research on Public Policy  1981  304 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Energy Development in Canada - The Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions Fry, E. H.  Centre for International and Area Studies, Brigham Young University  1981  195 pages, Canadian Studies Program  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Energy Heritage - Oil Sands and Heavy Oils of Alberta McRory, R. E.  Alberta Energy and Natural Resources  1982  94 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Energy in Canada 1985 Harris, P. - editor  Corpus Information Services - Southern Communications Limited  1985  227 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Energy in Canada 1989-1990 Harris, P.  Southam Energy Group  1989  489 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Energy Shock: After the Oil Runs Out - An Energy Probe Project Solomon, L.  Doubleday Canada Limited  1980  309 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Energy: Sustaining Our Natural Resources and Exploration for the Future   Sun Media Corporation  2005 November  19 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Enterprise in Oil: A History of Shell in the United States Berton, K.  Appleton-Century Crafts Inc.  1957  815 pages  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  Esso Mariners - A History of Imperial Oil's Fleet Operations from 1899-1980 Imperial Oil Limited  Imperial Oil Limited  1980  104 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Report  Feasibility Study: Centre for Petroleum Industry History Finch, David  Centre for Petroleum Industry History Society  1986 October  12 pages, 3 copies. Funded by a grant from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation.   
Book  Fields of Fire: An illustrated History of Canadian Petroleum Finch, D.; Jaremko, G.  Detselig Enterprises Ltd.  1994  159 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Forty Years in the Public Interest - A History of the National Board Gray, E.  Douglas and McIntyre and the National Energy Board  2000  149 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  From Rigs to Riches: The Story of Bow Valley Industries Ltd. Foster, P.  Bow Valley Industries Ltd.  1985  203 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Fueling Canada's Economy: A Report on the Impact of Natural Gas on the Canadian Economy Canadian Gas Association  Canadian Gas Association  1985  28 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Fueling Canada's Future Rowland, W.  Macmillan of Canada  1974  161 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Fuelling the War, Revealing an Oil Company's Role in Viet Nam Wesseling, L.  I. B. Tauris Publishers  2000  207 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Gordon to Watkins to You: A Documentary on the Battle for Control of Our Economy Godfrey, P.; Watkins, M . - editors  New Press  1970  261 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Growing Up in the Oil Patch Schmidt, J.  Natural Heritage Books  1989  181 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Gulf Canada Resources Limited - A Celebration of Our People Gulf Canada Resources  Gulf Canada Resources  2000  72 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Guts and Guile - True Tales from the Backrooms of the Pipeline Industry Phillips, E.  Douglas and McIntyre  1990  222 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Hard Oiler! The Story of Early Canadians' Quest for Oil at Home and Abroad May, G.  Dundurn Press  1998  270 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Heavy Equipment: Giants of Construction and Mining Tipler, J.  Brown Books  2000  176 pages  Clint Tippett 
Pamphlet  Hell's Half Acre Project supporters ?    About proposed centre   
Book  Higher Oil Prices and the World Economy - The Adjustment Problem Fried, Edward R.; Schultze, Charles L. - editors  The Brookings Institution  1975  Purchased from Calgary Public Library discard bin  Micky Gulless 
Booklet  Historic Turner Valley - Cradle of Western Canada's Oil and Gas Industry Tippett, C.R.; Kerr, S.A.; Finch, D.; Siferd, C.  Petroleum History Society and 16th World Petroleum Congress  2000 June  157 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Historical Statistics of the Canadian Gas Industry 1960-1980 Canadian Gas Association  Canadian Gas Association  1980  103 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  History in the Making 1975-1997: Canmar Canmar - Canadian Marine Drilling  Canmar - Canadian Marine Drilling  1998  120 pages (estimated)  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  History of the ASPG/ CSPG 1927-1978 Finch, D.  Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists  1979  60 pages  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  Imaging the Past, Present and Future: The Society of Exploration Geophyicists at 75 1930-2005 Society of Exploration Geophyicists  Society of Exploration Geophyicists  2005  112 pages plus pullout, supplement to The Leading Edge Magazine  Clint Tippett 
Book  Impact of Oil: The Development of Canada's Oil Resources -Shaping Canada's Environment Volume 1 Gray, E.  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited  1969  138 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Implementation Plan - Task Force on Oil Spill Preparedness in the Upstream Petroleum Industry Independent Petroleum Association of Canada and Canadian Petroleum Association  Independent Petroleum Association of Canada and Canadian Petroleum Association  1990  71 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  In Balance - An Account of Alberta's CA Profession 1910-2000 McKenzie-Brown, P; Phillips, S.  Chartered Accountants of Alberta  2000  278 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  In the Light of the Flares - History of Turner Valley Oilfields Harris, J. M. - editor  Sheep River Historical Society  1979  758 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  It Only Hurts When You Produce! - Ten Years of Federal/ Provincial Conflict Over Oil Industry Revenue Sharing Smith, D.  Oilweek  1987  120 pages (estimated)  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
  Judy Creek and Beyond Kerr, S.A.  S. A. Kerr and Pengrowth Corporation - 2000?  2000  64 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Land to Energy - 1882-1982, The Canada Northwest Land Company Limited Lee, C. S.  Canada Northwest Energy Limited  1982  79 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Land to Energy: The Canada North-West Land Company (Limited) 1882-1992 Lee, Charles S. (ed.)  Canada Northwest Energy Limited  1982  78 pages  Micky Gulless 
Book  Last Chance Well: Legends and Legacies of Leduc No.1 Hunter, B.  Teddington Lock  1997  256 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Latin American Oil Companies and the Politics of Energy Wirth, John D. (ed.)  University of Nebraska Press  1985  282 pages   
Book  Leduc Kerr, S. A.  Kerr, S. A.  1991  312 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Life After Oil - A Renewable Energy Policy for Canada Bott, R; Brooks, P.; Robinson, J.  Hurtig Publishers  1983  203 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Directory  Magma Oil Mirror, Canadian oil directory from NEP era Mossfeldt, Carol (nee Fairley)  Nickle?  1981?  with Doug Cass  Carol Mossfeldt 
Book  Managing Transition On the Canadian Petroleum Frontiers - Proceedings of the 15th CPA Frontier Division Workshop, Fairmont, BC, May 8-11, 1988 Canadian Petroleum Association  Canadian Petroleum Association  1988  224 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Manual of Oil and Gas Terms, 2nd edition Williams, H. R.; Meyers, C. J.  Matthew Bender and Company  1964  449 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Markets for British Columbia Natural Gas, Study No. 35 Maerz, D. W.; Coad, L.A.  Canadian Energy Research Institute  1990 November  113 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Memories - The Story of Imperial's First Century as Told by its Employees and Annuitants Broadfoot, B.; Nichols, M.  Imperial Oil Limited  1980  148 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Mileposts: The Story of the World's Longest Petroleum Pipeline Bott, R.  Interprovincial Pipeline Company  1988  128 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Modernity and Tradition: The Saudi Equation Al-Farsy, F.  Kegan Paul International  1990  337 pages  Clint Tippett 
Pamphlet  Museums and Galleries in Lambton County - Directory of Museums   Lambton County (Ontario) ?    2 pages, 1 map   
Book  Nickle's Daily Oil Bulletin - 50th Anniversary Edition Nickle's Oil Bulletin  Nickle's Oil Bulletin  1987  400 pages (estimated)  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  No Business as Usual: An Extraordinary North Sea Result Knott, T.  British Petroleum Company PLC  1996  174 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  No Right-of-Way: How Democracy Came to the Oil Patch Lewington, P.  Fitzhenry and Whiteside  1991  272 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  No Stone Unturned: The First 150 Years of the Geological Survey of Canada Vodden, Christy for the Geological Survey of Canada  Minister of Supply and Services  1992  52 pages   
Book  Northern Frontier - Northern Homeland: The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, Volume One Berger, T. R.  Government of Canada  1977  213 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Document  Notes for an address by the Honourable Jake Epp Minister of Energy, Delivered on behalf of the Honourable Lucien Bouchard Minister of the Environment   Canadian Petroleum Association luncheon  1990 January 24  16 pages   
VHS tape  Oil   National Film Board  1953  15:00 minutes, black and white  National Film Board 
Book  Oil - The History of Canada's Oil and Gas Industry Gould, E.  Hancock House Publishers  1976  288. pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Oil and Gas in Canada - A New Environment for Development Karasek, C. and P.  Financial Times - Business Information  1985  206 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Oil and Gas Law in Canada Lucas, A.R.; Hunt, C.D.  Carswell  1990  265 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Oil and Honor - the Texaco-Pennzoil Wars: Inside the $11 billion Battle for Getty Oil Petzinger, T. Jr.  G. P. Putnam's Sons  1987  495 pages  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  Oil Heritage District Driving Tour       16 pages  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
Booklet  Oil Heritage Tour of Lambton County: the Birthplace of the Canadian Oil Industry Robert O. Cochrane & Charles O. Fairbank  Copyright Ontario Petroleum Institute  2000  74 pages  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
Book  Oil in the Seventies - Essays on Energy Policy Berndt, E. et al  Fraser Institute  1987  283 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
VHS tape  Oil Means Trouble   National Film Board  1985  15:27 minutes, colour  National Film Board 
Booklet  Oil on the Brain Treleaven, C.  Aquila Books  1990  14 pages, book sale catalog  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Oil Patch Empire: A Blistering Saga of Passion, Power and Corruption, a novel Ballem, J. B.  McClelland and Stewart  1985  270 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Oil Patch Recollections of "The Way Things Were" Garstad-Rosenau, E. - compilers  Quality Color Press Inc  1998  262 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Oil Sands Scientist: The Letters of Karl A. Clark 1920-1949 Sheppard, M.C. - editor  The University of Albert Press and Alberta Culture and Multiculturalism  1989  498 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Oil Spill Preparedness in the Upstream Petroleum Industry Independent Petroleum Association of Canada and Canadian Petroleum Association  Independent Petroleum Association of Canada and Canadian Petroleum Association  1989 November  116 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Oil Springs – The Birthplace of the Oil Industry Michael O’Meara    2008  Originally printed for June / July 1958 Centennial celebrations, 23 pages  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
Book  Oilpatch Jeopardy: Torn in the USA - Canadian Exploits of Intimidation & Litigation in the US Oilpatch Leeson, Neil V., P. Eng.  Rip Books - Results in Publishing  1996  368 pages, signed by author  Neil Leeson 
Booklet  Oilwell Supply Centennial pamphlet Oilwell Supply Company  © 1962 United States Steel Corp.  1962  Many photos about the company and the Pithole discovery in 1865.  Micky Gulless, from papers of C.J. Gulless 
VHS tape  One Onion at a Time (Stay in School message)   Canadian Petroleum Association  1988 July  18:10 minutes  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Opportunity Canada - 16th World Petroleum Congress Bryson, C. - editor  Fleet Publications Inc.  2000  216 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Opportunity Oil Sands Bryson, C. - editor  Fleet Publications Inc.  1996  241 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Other People's Mondy - The Banks, The Government and Dome Foster, P.  Collins Publishers  1983  290 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Magazine  Our Alberta, Issue 4: Black Gold: The discovery of oil changed the economy and the province - forever Calgary Herald Magazine Series Celebrating Alberta's Centennial  Calgary Herald  2005 October 2  30 pages with photos   
Magazine  Our Alberta, Issue 4: Black Gold: The discovery of oil changed the economy and the province - forever Calgary Herald magazine series celebrating Alberta's centennial  Calgary Herald  2005 October 2  30 pages  Clint Tippett 
Annual Report  Our Centennial Annual Report 1982 Canada Northwest Energy Limited  Canada Northwest Energy Limited  1982  32 pages   
Booklet  Our Petroleum Challenge Exploring Canada's Oil and Gas Industry, 6th edition Bott, R.  Petroleum Communication Foundation  1999  101 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Our Petroleum Challenge into the 21st Century, 5th edition Bott, R.  Petroleum Communication Foundation  1993  64 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Our Seventy Fifth Anniversary - Canadian Western Natural Gas Company Canadian Western Natural Gas Company  Canadian Western Natural Gas Company  1987  12 pages   
  Pengrowth Management Limited: 1982-2002 The First Twenty Years Graham, R.  Pengrowth Management Limited  2002  104 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  People, Peregrines and Arctic Pipelines - The Critical Battle to Build Canada's Northern Gas Pipeline Peacock, D.  J. J. Douglas Ltd  1977  213 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Document  Peter McKenzie-Brown documents - research papers, xeroxes, etc.       1.5 boxes full  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
  Petro-Canada: Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Hays, P. - chairman  The Senate of Canada  1990 June  133 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Reprint  Petrolea and the Oil Industry, Through the Camera Anonymous  The Saturday Globe, Vol. XLIX, No. 13,520 - Toronto - Saturday, June 24, 1893  1893 June 24  Reprint 4 pages, newspaper with photos, 2 copies   
Book  Petroleum - Prehistoric to Petrochemicals Purdy, G. A.  Copp Clark Publishing Co.  1957  492 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Petroleum in Canada Ross, V.  Southam Press Limited  1917  109 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Petroleum Industry in Canada 1858 - 1987 IPAC - the Independent Petroleum Association of Canada  IPAC  1987  10 pages, timeline   
Report  Petroleum Industry Oral History Project Wood, W. J. - Coordinator  Petroleum Industry Oral History Project  1985 April  10 pages, 9 appendices   
Book  Petroleum Panorama Oil and Gas Journal  Oil and Gas Journal  1959  400 pages (estimated)  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Petroleum Production for the Nontechnical Person Pile, K. E. editor  Pennwell Books  1986  205 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Petroleum Rent Collection Around the World Kemp, A.  The Institute for Research on Public Policy  1987  363 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
VHS tape  Petroleum's Progress     1978  6:08 minutes color  National Film Board 
Book  Petroleum; Canadian markets and United States foreign trade policy Plotnick, A. R.  University of Washington Press  1964  172 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
  Petrolia Victorian Oil Town Petrolia?  Petrolia?    4 pages on points of interest in Petrolia   
Book  Pipeline - TransCanada and the Great Debate - A History of Business Politics Kilbourn, W.  Clarke Irwin and Company  1970  222 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  PipeLine: TransCanada and the great debate, a history of business and politics Kilbourn, William  Clarke, Irwin  1970  222 pages, boxed   
Book  Practical Oil Geology - The Application of Geology to Oil Field Problems Hager, D.  McGraw-Hill Book Company  1919  253 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Prelude to Merger: A History of Amoco Corporation 1973-1998 Pratt, J. A.  Hart Publications  2000  306 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Proceedings: Athabasca Oil Sands Conference September 1951 Board of Trustees, Oil Sands Project  Government of Alberta  1951 September  371 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Promise of the Pipeline Newman, P.C.  TransCanada Pipelines Limited  1993  70 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Quest - Canada's Search for Arctic Oil Kennedy, T.  Reidmore Books  1988  222 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Railways to Resources: The Evolution of PanCanadian Petroleum PanCanadian Petroleum Limited  PanCanadian Petroleum Limited  1996  76 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Reaction: The National Energy Program Watkins, G. C.; Walker, M. A. - editors  The Fraser Institute  1981  144 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Redwater Kerr, S. A.  Kerr, S. A.  1994  385 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Reference Points - Canadian Oil and Gas, The First One Hundred Years Canadian Petroleum Association  Canadian Petroleum Association  1987  8 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Video tape & audio tape  Reflections of Petroleum Discovery and Development on Canada's East Coast - presentation by D. W. Axford Axford, D. W.    1999 March 31  From PHS AGM, recorded by Joyce Wright   
Book  Regarding the Rocks: The Story of the Geological Survey of Canada 1842-1972 Laslow, M.  Macmillan Company of Canada with Geology, Mines and Resources Canada  1975  599 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Rétrospective - L'histoire des cent premières années de l'Imperiale racontée par ses employes d'hier et d'aujourdhui Broadfoot, B.; Nichols, M.  Compagniè Petrolieres Imperiale Ltée.  1980  148x pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Roads to Energy Self-reliance: The Necessary National Demonstrations - Report 30 Fortier, C. - chairman  Science Council of Canada  1979 June  200 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Rock Oil in Pennsylvania and Elsewhere (reprint) Gale, T. A.  Ethyl Corporation  1860 originally, 1960? reprint  80 pages with accompanying booklet  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Roughnecks and Wildcatters Anderson, Allan  Macmillan of Canada  1981    Vern Millard 
Video tape  Roughnecks Wildcats and Doodlebugs video Hill, Don for CKUA AM FM  CKUA AM FM  1993  60 minute video  PanCanadian Petroleum Limited 
Book  Roughnecks, Rock Bits and Rigs - The Evolution of Oil Well Drilling Technology in Alberta 1883-1970 Gow, S.  University of Calgary Press  2005  451 pages  John Downing 
Audio tape  Roughnecks, Wildcats and Doodlebugs - Episode 13 only (audio tape) Hill, Don for CKUA AM FM  CKUA  1993  One tape only   
Audio tape  Roughnecks, Wildcats and Doodlebugs - Episode 2 only (audio tape) Hill, Don for CKUA AM FM  CKUA  1991  One tape only   
Audio tape  Roughnecks, Wildcats and Doodlebugs - Episodes 1-12 (audio tapes) Hill, Don for CKUA AM FM  CKUA  1991  2 complete sets in plastic book-like cover each containing 6 tapes   
Cover only  Roughnecks, Wildcats and Doodlebugs - Episodes 13-24, Cover only Hill, Don for CKUA AM FM  CKUA  1993  Plastic book-like cover (no tapes inside)   
Book  Royal Commision on Energy, Second Report   Government of Canada  1959 July  300 pages (estimated)  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Sabotuers: Wiebo Ludwig's War Against Big Oil Nikiforuk, A.  Macfarlane Walter and Ross  2001  283 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Share certificate  Saskalon Uranium & Oils Limited - 2 share certificates:#03516 for 260 shares, and 03517 for 40 shares (plus an old faded copy of each) Saskalon  None  1954 December 21  Belonged to Edward W. Bevington  Ronda S. Parks, executor of estate of Elizabeth H. Bevington who died in January 2007. Mailed from Terre Haute Indiana 
Book  Self Serve - How Petro-Canada Pumped Canadians Dry Foster, P.  Macfarlane Walter and Ross  1992  323 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Sellout - The Giveaway of Canada's Energy Resources Sykes, P.  Hurtig Publishers  1973  235 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Shell en Canada - La voie de la prospérite : 1911-1986 Magladry, Ray  Shell Canada Limited  1986  54 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Shell in Canada - The Path of Growth 1911-1986 Magladry, Ray  Shell Canada Limited  1986  54pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Signature World Atlas   Rand McNally    240 pages, Branded Amoco Crude Oil Supply and Logistics  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Sous le pavillon Esso - L'histoire des marins et des pétroliers de l'Imperiale 1899-1980 Imperial Oil Limited  Imperial Oil Limited  1980  104 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Spirit of Success - The Sproule Story Grey, Penelope E.; Krowchuk, Laura J.  Sproule Associates Ltd.  1997    Sproule Associates Ltd., March 31, 1999 
  Strength in Adversity: A Study of the Alberta Economy Mansell, R. L.; Percy, M. B.  University of Alberta Press  1990  Publication in the series Western Studies in Economic Policy  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
VHS tape  Struggle for Oil   National Film Board    11:00 minutes  National Film Board 
Book  Submission to the Restrictive Trade Practices Commission on the State of Competition in the Canadian Oil Industry: The Refining and Marketing of Petroleum Products in Canada Texaco Canada Inc.  Government of Canada  1983 June  212 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Survey of Oil and Gas Reporting Practices in Canada 1984-1985 Peat Marwick  Peat Marwick  1985  75 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  Tales of Mountain Oil – First Oil Well in Western Canada National Historic Site of Canada Johan F. Dormaar and Robert A. Watt      Pamphlet available in Waterton Park, and shown as excerpts from “Oil City: Black Gold in Waterton Park" by Johan F. Dormaar and Robert A. Watt, 14 pages  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
Book  The Abasand Fiasco - The Rise and Fall of a Brave Pioneer Oil Sands Extraction Plant Comfort, D. J.  Friesen Printing  1980  148 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The American House of Saud - the Secret Petrodollar Connection Emerson, S.  Franklin Watts  1985  450 pages  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  The Arctic Environmental Strategy: An Action Plan (Canada's Green Plan)   Indian and Northern Affairs Canada  1991  20 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Arctic Imperative: An Overview of the Energy Crisis Rohmer, R.  McClelland and Stewart Limited  1973  224 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Barons Ballem, J.  Gorman and Gorman Limited  1991  225 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Barons Ballem, J. B.  Gorman and Gorman Limited  1991 June  225 pages  Clint Tippett 
VHS tape  The Beaufort Advantage and Amauligak - The Canadian Opportunity Gulf Canada  Gulf Canada  1988 (estimated)  2 VHS tapes, 19:30 minutes combined  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Blue-Eyed Sheiks Foster, P.  Collins Publishers  1979  320 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Building of TransMountain - Canada's First Oil Pipeline Across the Rockies Wilson, N. C.; Taylor, F. J.  TransMountain Oil Pipelines Company  1954  107 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  The Canada - U.S. Free Trade Agreement and Energy - An Assessment Department of Energy Mines and Resources Canada  Department of Energy Mines and Resources Canada  1988  51 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  The Canadian Oil and Gas Sector, No. 5 in the Sectoral Technology Strategy Series Science Council of Canada  Science Council of Canada  1992  41 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Challenge of Oil - Newfoundland's Quest for Controlled Development House, J. P.  Institute of Social and Economic Research - Memorial University of Newfoundland  1985  329 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Chartmakers - A History of Nautical Surveying in Canada Fillmore, S.; Sandilands, R.W.  NC Press Limited  1983  255 pages  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  The Discovery That Made History: The legacy of Leduc Imperial Oil  Imperial Oil  1997  20 pages   
Book  The Early and Later History of Petroleum with Authentic Facts in Regard to its Development in Western Pennsylvania, Vol.1 - Reprint Henry, J. T.  Burt Franklin  1873 originally, reprint date unknown  607 pages, Burt Franklin Research and Sources Work Series 108  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
  The Economic Impact of Changes in Energy Prices and Taxation Proposed by the Canadian Petroleum Association deBever, L.  Chase Econometrics Canada  1984 April  24 pages, 4 appendices   
  The Energy Poker Game: The Politics of the Continental Resources Deal Laxer, J.  New Press  1970  72 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Evolution of the Oil Industry Ross, V.  Doubleday, Page and Company  1920  178 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Fuel Problem of Canada Nordegg, M.  Macmillan Company of Canada  1930  155 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Geography of the Canadian North: Issues and Challenges Bone, R. M.  Oxford University Press  1992  284 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Great Canadian Oil Patch Gray, E.  Maclean-Hunter Limited  1970  355 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Great Oil Age McKenzie-Brown, Peter; Jaremko, Gordon; Finch, David for The Petroleum History Society  Detselig Enterprises Ltd.  1993  192 pages   
Book  The Great Uranium Cartel Gray, E.  McClelland and Stewart  1982  303 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  The History of Alberta Oil Beach, F. K.; Irwin, J. L.  Department of Lands and Mines, Publicity and Travel Bureau, Government of Alberta  1940  62 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Hunters - Searching for Oil and Gas in Western Canada Masters, J. A.  Evergreen Press Limited  1980  106 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The K.A. Clark volume: a collection of papers on the Athabasca Oil Sands presented to K.A. Clark on the 75th anniversary of his birthday Carrigy, M. A. - editor  Research Council of Alberta  1963 October  Information Series No. 45  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  The Legislative Process In Canada - Passage of the Canada Oil and Gas Act (C-48) Deacey, M.  Canadian Petroleum Association  1982  12 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Mackenzie Pipeline: Arctic Gas and Canadian Energy Policy Pearse, P. H. - editor  McClelland and Stewart Limited and Institute of Canadian Studies Carleton University  1947  229 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
VHS tape  The Man from Petrocan   National Film Board  1984  54:15 minutes, colour  National Film Board 
Book  The Master Builders - How the Reichmanns Reached for an Empire Foster, P.  Key Porter Books  1986  266 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
  The National Energy Program Energy Mines and Resources  Government of Canada  1980  115 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  The National Energy Program Energy Mines and Resources Canada  Energy Mines and Resources Canada  1980  115 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  The National Energy Program - Update 1982 Energy Mines and Resources Canada  Energy Mines and Resources Canada  1982  94 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
The Next 75 Years: Onward and Upward Chemical Week  Chemical Week  1989 September 27  pages 30-82  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Offshore: An Introduction to the Technology, Terminology and Operations of Offshore Oil Exploration Robinson, T.  Jesperson Press Limited  1992  194 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Oil and Gas Lease in Canada (2nd edition) Ballem, J. B.  University of Toronto Press  1985  363 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
The Oil Century: From the Drake Well to the Conservation Era Clark, J. S.  University of Oklahoma Press  1958  103 pages  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  The Oil Finders - A Collection of Stories About Exploration Hartley, A. G. Jr. - editor  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1992  134 pages  Clint Tippett 
Other  The Oil Museum of Canada (Hasti-Notes)       Pen and ink reproductions and envelopes labeled as 25th Anniversary 1960 – 1985 (9 of original 10 sketches)  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
Booklet  The Oilman - A Photographic Story Hollyman, T.  Rinehart and Company  1952  100 pages (estimated)  Clint Tippett 
Booklet  The Oilmen's: A Fifty Year Commemorative Stewart, B.  The Oilmen's  2000  50th Oilmen's - The Risk Takers - Jasper 2000  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Petroleum Handbook, 5th edition Royal Dutch/ Shell  Royal Dutch/ Shell Group of Companies  1966  318 pages  Clint Tippett 
Document  The Petroleum History Society commemorative pin order form The Petroleum History Society  The Petroleum History Society - Edited mid 1990s from 1988 original  1990s  1 black and white page (original was in color)   
Pamphlet  The Petroleum History Society informational pamphlet The Petroleum History Society  The Petroleum History Society - late 1980s?  1980s     
Book  The Politics of Energy - The Development and Implementation of the NEP Doern, G.B.; Toner, G.  Methuen  1985  523 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Video tape  The Prize (TV series) Yergin, Daniel  Shown on PBS    4 video cassettes   
Book  The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power Yergin, D.  Simon and Schuster  1991  876 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Reshaping of the Oil Industry: Just Another Commodity? Yergin, D; Kates-Garnick, B. - editors  Cambridge Energy Forum  1985  168 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Booklet  The Richness of Discovery - Amoco's First 50 Years in Canada 1948-1998 McKenzie-Brown, P.  Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Limited  1998  61 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Document  The Search for Hydrocarbons: Petroleum and Natural Gas in Western Canada 1883-1947 Jones, L. M.  University of Calgary  1978  115 pages, Master of Arts thesis  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Seven Sisters - The Great Oil Companies and the World They Shaped, Update: The New Crisis Sampson, A.  Bantam Books  1980  393 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Sorcerer's Apprentices: Canada's Super-bureaucrats and the Energy Mess Foster, P.  Collins Publishers  1982  287 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Story of Fairbanks Oil – Four Generations of the Family Producing Oil Longer than Anyone in the World Patricia McGee    2004  201 pages  Gord Clysdale, P. Eng. 
VHS tape  The Story of Oil   National Film Board    18:00 minutes  National Film Board 
Booklet  The Story of Petroleum Shell Canada Limited  Shell Canada Limited  1980 (estimated)  33 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Super-Roughneck - 50 Years of Canadian Oilpatch History as reported in The Roughneck magazine Thomas, A. - compiler  Northern Star Communications Ltd.  2002  352 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Syncrude Story - In Our Own Words Bellemare, Barbara - editor, for Syncrude Canada Ltd.  Syncrude Canada Ltd.  1990  118 pages   
Book  The Tar Sands: Syncrude and the Politics of Oil Pratt, Larry  Hurtig Publishers  1976  197 pages, purchased from Calgary Public Library discard bin  Micky Gulless 
Book  The Tar Sands: Syncrude and the Politics of Oil Pratt, L.  Hurtig Publishers  1976  197 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Treasure Seekers: The Men Who Built Home Oil Smith, P.  Macmillan of Canada  1978  310 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  The Treasurer Seekers - The Men Who Built Home Oil Smith, Philip  The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited  1978  296 pages, hard cover.  Micky Gulless 
Book  The well that couldn’t be tamed: the true story of Atlantic #3: an autobiography Knight, H.  H. Knight and R. Krasniuk-Knight  1989  127 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  The Winter Years - The Depression on the Prairies Gray, J. H.  Macmillan of Canada  1966  220 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Share certificate  Titan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. certificate #13341 for 300 shares Titan  None  1959 July 14  Belonged to Howard E McBride, donor's father-in-law.  Vic Hudon (2119 Orient Park Dr, Gloucester ON K1B 4W1, 
Book  Towers of Debt: The Olympia and York Story - The Rise and Fall of the Reichmanns Foster, P.  Key Porter Books  1993  312 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Traces Through Time: The History of Geophysical Exploration for Petroleum in Canada Finch, D.  Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists  1985  182 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Trading Canada's Natural Resources - Essays from the Third Banff Conference on Natural Resources Law Saunders, J. O. - editor  Carswell  1987  367 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Troublemaker - A Fighting Journalist's Personal Record of the Two Booming Decades that Followed the Winter Years Gray, J. H.  Macmillan of Canada  1978  307 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Trucks: Features models from more than 30 leading manufacturers including Paccar, Mack, Kenworth, Oshkosh, Volvo, Man Tipler, J.  Brown Books  1999  176 pages  Clint Tippett 
Document  Turner Valley - The Seven Veils of a Giant Hydrocarbon Field Tippett, C. R. (compiler)  Annual Convention: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, and the Petroleum History Society  2005 June  250 pages (estimated), for convention Field Trip #4 June 19, 2005  Clint Tippett 
Document  Turner Valley Gas Plant - Site and Building History Finch, D.  Parks Canada and Alberta Community Development  1998  195 pages  David Finch 
Document  Village Journey: The Report of the Alaska Native Review Commission Berger, T. R.  Hill and Wang  1985  201 pages  Clint Tippett 
Book  Warning from the Forest: A Fifty Year Journey Towards Sustainable Forest Management Bott, R.; Murphy, P.; Udell, R.  Fifth House  2003  242 pages  Bob Bott 
Book  Waste to Wealth - A History of Gas Processing in Canada Stenson, F.  Canadian Gas Processors Association and Canadian Gas Processors Suppliers Association  1985  352 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Waste to Wealth: A History of Gas Processing in Canada Stenson, Fred for Canadian Gas Processors Association/ Canadian Gas Processors Suppliers' Association  Friesen Printers  1985  352 pages  CGPA/ CGPSA (booth neighbors) at 1990 Oil Show 
Pamphlet  We're Rich in History, Culture & Things to Do, Petrolia, Ontario Petrolia?  Petrolia?    4 pages with photos   
  When the Oilpatch Comes to Your Backyard - A citizen's Guide to Protecting your Rights Griffiths, M.; Marr-Laing, T  Pembina Institute  2001 February  174 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  Wildcatters - The Story of Pacific Petroleums and Westcoast Transmission Gray, E.  McClelland and Stewart  1982  306 pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Book  William Stewart Herron - Father of the Petroleum Industry in Alberta Breen, D. H. - editor  Historical Society of Alberta  1984  Vol.V  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 36, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1952    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 37, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1953    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 40, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1956    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 41, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1957    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 42, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1958    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 43, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1959    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 44, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1960    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 45, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1961    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 47, #7 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1963    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, Foreign - Volume 50, #8 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1966    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 36, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1952    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 37, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1953    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 39, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1955    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 40, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1955    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 41, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1957    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 42, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1958    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 43, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1959    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 44, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1960    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 45, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1961    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 46, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1962    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 47, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1963    Clint Tippett 
Bulletin  World Energy Developments, North America - Volume 50, #6 American Association of Petroleum Geologists  American Association of Petroleum Geologists  1966    Clint Tippett 
Book  World Oil Market Projections 1990-2005, Study No. 34 Reinsch, A. E.; O'Reilly, M. A.  Canadian Energy Research Institute  1990 March  ? pages  Peter McKenzie-Brown 
VHS tape  Worst Case Scenario   National Film Board  2001  43:54 minutes, colour  National Film Board 
Pamphlet  Ziliujing in Ancient China 15th World Petroleum Congress    1997  Reproduction (7 copies)   



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Petroleum History Society
Calgary, Alberta