Petroleum History Society logo

Preserving history of the petroleum industry in Canada


Future Events

Luncheon Meeting at the Petroleum Club - June 12, 2024
Speaker Bob Bott


Site Map

Last change June 18, 2024

About the PHS   Petroleum History

Membership - Join us

Upcoming Events

Board of Directors

Annual Awards

U of Calgary Scholarship

Minutes of Meetings, etc.
- for Board Members only, requires password


Leduc #1 on February 13, 1947.
Photo courtesy of Glenbow Museum and Archives


Archives Newsletters

Petroleum History Bibliography
by Doug Cass
(PDF 6.6 meg, 1247 pages, updated June 8, 2022)

Annual Awards

Oral History Projects

Oil Sands Oral History Project - 117 people interviewed

Petroleum History Books

Timeline – Global Petroleum Industry - by Clint Tippett

Canadian Beginnings

Alberta's First Natural Gas Discovery

Speakers to PHS and their Presentations

Old Companies A to L,   Old Companies M to Z

Six Historical Events in the First 100 Years of Canada's Petroleum Industry - PHS lapel pin set

And more petroleum history

Site Map

  Canadian Museum of Making  Barrel Oil Corp
Thanks to The Canadian Museum of Making and Barrel Oil Corp for sponsorship,
and to Corporate members Soul of Canada, J.B. Pipelines Ltd., Tundra Process Solutions Ltd., and Whytecliff Resource Corp

Soul of Canada  J.B.Pipelines Ltd.  Tundra Process Solutions Ltd.  Whytecliffe Resource Corp


Thanks to the Glenbow Archives - now part of the Glenbow Western Research Centre at the University of Calgary -
for permission to use the historical photographs on this website.

© Copyright 2001-2024
Petroleum History Society
Calgary, Alberta