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Preserving history of the petroleum industry in Canada

Statement of Purpose

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The Petroleum History Society, registered under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta, is composed of interested and concerned people who:

  • recognize the significance of the petroleum industry in Canada, and who
  • deem it important that this history be preserved and interpreted for the benefit of all Canadians.

The Society grew out of the highly successful Petroleum Oral History Project and the Feasibility Study conducted by the Centre for Petroleum Industry History Society in 1986.


The Purpose of the Petroleum History Society is to:

  • collect,
  • conserve, and
  • disseminate information relevant to the history of the petroleum industry in Canada, and to
  • act in an advisory role to others interested in the petroleum industry.

The Society has as one of its prime objectives, the establishment and operation of a Centre for Petroleum Industry History. Other objectives of the Society include many which will be assumed by the Centre, once it becomes established, and include:

  • locating, encouraging and supporting the preservation of artifacts, documents, photographs, oral histories and other historically significant items and materials bearing on the history of the Canadian petroleum industry,
  • developing programming and products for use in all levels of education,
  • encouraging, supporting and coordinating research among and between individuals, societies and institutions,
  • assisting in the preparation of company and organization corporate histories,
  • producing a serial publication focussing on the history of the petroleum industry in Canada,
  • producing audiovisual programs and displays / exhibits for public viewing, and
  • serving as an information and resource centre.

Although there are other organizations which undertake one or several of the above objectives, only The Petroleum History Society undertakes them all and acts in a coordinating manner.



© Copyright 2001-2025
Petroleum History Society
Calgary, Alberta