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Posters for 2004 CSEG National Convention

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The Petroleum History Society created a set of 10 posters for Great Explorations: Canada and Beyond, the 2004 Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists National Convention. Thank you to pfang creative inc. for designing the posters and to the sponsors: EnCana, the Canadian Centre For Energy Information, the Petroleum Hall of Fame, and the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG).

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10 Posters for 2004 CSEG National Convention
PDF 1.7 megabytes

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1940s Jumping Pound - The First Significant Reflection Seismic Discovery in Canada
1940s Pincher Creek - A Maj0r Canadian Discovery Delineated by a Refraction Seismic Program
1947 Leduc - In the pantheon of seismic delineated significant discoveries in Western Canada the place of honour must go to Leduc.

First Canadian 3D Seismic - New Brunswick 1949


CSEG Founding Fathers

1950s Doodlebuggin' 1950s Style

The Analog Decade

1950s The Beginnings of Multiplicity

The North King - First "purpose-built" ATV made in Western Canada.

1953 First Doodlebug Golf Tournament

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10 Posters for 2004 CSEG National Convention
PDF 1.7 megabytes


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Petroleum History Society
Calgary, Alberta