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Preserving history of the petroleum industry in Canada

Links to related websites

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Last change October 5, 2022

The Petroleum History Society has not reviewed these links for accuracy and completeness, and is not responsible for their content.

To recommend a link, to advise of a broken link, or to comment on these sites, email

Worldwide | Canada | United States


History of the World Petroleum Industry (Key Dates) from Geo-Help Inc.

History of Oil at GeoExPro magazine's site:

Museum of the Scottish Shale Oil Industry


Areas and Fields | Companies and Organizations | People | United States

Key Words Title and URL
BOE Report - Daily oil and gas news, activities and information. They love petroleum history!
Daily Oil Bulletin

Daily Oil Bulletin - publishing for more than 75 years.

150th Anniversary of Canadian Oil Industry September 2008 - Gesner and Williams: two Canadians who launched the world's petroleum industry - by Earle Gray (reproduced with the author's permission) 12-page PDF, 149k
Interpretive Centre Canadian Energy Museum - at the site of the Leduc #1 discovery
Inductees to Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame

Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame

Canada's Petroleum Heritage Historical development of Canada's petroleum heritage on The Heritage Community Foundation's Canada's Petroleum Heritage website. It includes CKUA Radio Network Inc.'s 24-part documentary and 60 minute video entitled Roughnecks, Wildcats and Doodlebugs of which the Petroleum History Society was a sponsor.
Alberta's natural resource development Alberta's natural resource development on The Heritage Community Foundation's website.

Areas and Fields

Key Words Title and URL
Athabasca Oil Sands The Oil Sands Discovery Centre in Fort McMurray Alberta
Canol, Norman Wells, NWT

Norman Wells Museum


Lloydminster History of Oil and Gas Development in the Lloydminster area of Alberta at the OTS Heavy Oil Science Centre website
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia's Oil and Natural Gas History at the Nova Scotia Department of Energy website
Oil Springs

Fairbank Oil at Oil Springs - "Since 1861, the family producing oil longer than anyone in the world."

Village of Oil Springs, Ontario - Celebrating in 2008 to commemorate the discovery of oil in 1858

Oil Museum of Canada at Oil Springs, Ontario

Turner Valley

The Turner Valley Oilfield Society

1947 Film - The Story Of Oil

Companies and Organizations

Key Words Title and URL
75 Years of Alberta Energy Regulation Steward: 75 Years of Alberta Energy Regulation
by Gordon Jaremko
© 2013 by the Energy Resources Conservation Board; 179 pages;
Download the book at
BA British American Oil - by Alex Colwell, a collector of British American Oil memorabilia
BP BP History
Canadian Gas Association Canadian Gas Association
Imperial Oil Limited

Irving Oil Irving Oil - service station memorabilia from Irving Oil by Bud Irving
Corporate History of Nexen Inc. (formerly Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd.)
Suncor The Suncor Story by Peter McKenzie‐Brown
Presented September 11, 2017 at the Book Launch for Peter McKenzie-Brown's book
Bitumen: The people, performance and passions behind Alberta’s oil sands


Key Words Title and URL
Inductees to Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame

Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame

Early Canadians

Hard Oiler!: The Story of Early Canadians' Quest for Oil at Home and Abroad, by Gary May - received a Petroleum History Society Award for Book of the Year in 1998.

Available from the gift shop at Lambton County Museums - Oil Museum of Canada

Abraham Gesner

Abraham Gesner, Honored Member of the Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame

"Abraham Gesner saved more whales than Greenpeace ever will"
Essay - How Capitalism Saved the Whales by James S. Robbins.

Monument to Gesner at Chipman Corner, Kings County, Nova Scotia and links to more Gesner information

Gesner’s Museum of Natural History at the New Brunswick Museum

Abraham Pineo Gesner on Wikipedia:

Gesner in Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
Library and Archives of Canada:

Gesner on Virtual American Biographies website (scroll down on page for bio):

Gesner's kerosene patent was dated March 27, 1855. At Brainy History you can see what else happened in 1855, or on March 27 in other years:

Gesner and Williams Gesner and Williams: two Canadians who launched the world's petroleum industry - by Earle Gray (reproduced with the author's permission) 12-page PDF, 149k
George Govier Abstract of 1997 interview with George Govier on the Chemical Heritage Foundation website
Earle Gray- historian and PHS member

Dig a little history with FREE resources at

Read, or download and print these articles and book excerpts:

  • Gesner and Williams: the Canadians who launched the petroleum industry.
  • The Governor General and the 40-year frustrated search for a fortune in oil.
  • How Ottawa engineered a global uranium cartel.
  • Trade wars: 140 years of Canadian-American friction.
  • Riding the oil roller coaster. (June 18, 2008: the world oil price is more than $140 a barrel and some analysts predict it will climb to $200. In a National Post article that day, I predicted a big drop in oil prices. Less than three months later, the price had fallen more than 30%).
  • When Calgarians used oil stocks for wallpaper.
  • and more

United States

Dates |General | Areas and Fields | Companies and Organizations | Canada

Key Words Title and URL
Dates The History of the Oil Industry from the San Joaquin Geological Society
History of Geology The Geological Society of America, History of Geology Division


Key Words Title and URL
Petroleum History Institute

Petroleum History Institute in Oil City PA

American Oil & Gas Historical Society American Oil & Gas Historical Society in Washington, D.C.
Petroleum History Websites in USA An index to Early Petroleum History Sites maintained by Blake Malkamaki
Nitroglycerin The Tallini Tales of Destruction - an absolutely amazing collection of stories about nitroglycerin use in the oilfields, hosted by Analog Services, Inc. of Kentucky
American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming The AHC collects, preserves and catalogs manuscripts, photographs, maps, audio-visual materials, rare books, and artifacts related to Wyoming and the West, economic geology, the petroleum and mining industries, transportation, American culture, conservation, and water resources.

Areas and Fields

Key Words Title and URL
California, West Kern Field West Kern Oil Museum in Taft, California



Author Matthew M. Day of Lubbock, TX USA has written books about Texas petroleum history, including:

Companies and Organizations

Key Words Title and URL
Defunct US oil companies
From the American Oil & Gas Historical Society
Defunct US oil companies
On wikipedia
Hunt Oil Hunt Oil history
Standard Oil The History of the Standard Oil Company by Ida M. Tarbell

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Petroleum History Society
Calgary, Alberta