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Oil Sands 101 Lecture Notes

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The Calgary Association of Lifelong Learners in conjunction with the Petroleum History Society presented a series of 6 talks aimed at increasing public knowledge about the oil sands. Called Oil Sands 101, the talks were held on Tuesdays from January 22 to February 26, 2013, in the Glenbow Theatre and were free.

Alberta’s vast oil sands are undergoing rapid development. They contain enough oil to make Canada an energy superpower but at what cost and to whose benefit? Almost everyone, from oil company CEOs to Hollywood stars, has offered their opinions. Oil Sands 101 offers an even-handed look at key aspects of Canada’s most controversial and expensive mega project.

Title Speaker Presentation Date
Six Visionaries Who Built The Modern Oil Sands
PDF file 504k
Peter McKenzie Brown January 22, 2013
Oil Sands Extraction Technologies
PDF file 2.7 meg
John Elliott
Imperial Oil
January 29, 2013
Oil Sands Economics
PDF file 760k
Paul Precht
Energy economics consultant
February 5, 2013
Assessing Socio/Environmental Impacts of Oil Sands Development: The Beginnings
Adriana Davies
Heritage consultant
February 12, 2013

Canada's Oil Sands: Challenges and Opportunities
PDF file 4.74 meg

Ed Whittingham
Executive Director, Pembina Institute

(Presentation prepared by Jennifer Grant, Director Oilsands, Pembina Institute who was unable to attend)

February 19, 2013

Oil Sands Monitoring
PDF file 1.1 meg

Ernie Hui
CEO, Environment Monitoring Agency of
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Development
February 26, 2012



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Petroleum History Society
Calgary, Alberta